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Swift Selection Search is a productivity plugin that builds on the already existing selection search feature in Firefox. It can search for stuff on the web, like movies, products, and more. If you want to know more, read on this post.

The Dart comes with a lot of plugins that can be added to your computer. Sometimes you need to search for online information, either to find the meaning of a word, or to have information about a site. Luckily, there is a feature that can help you with both these tasks. The Swift Selection Search extension for Firefox allows you to search for stuff on the web that was previously selected in a web page. The extension works great with websites that focus on a specific topic, be it programming, sports, recipes, or what you like.
The app opens up a small, rectangular box whenever you select something from a page. The box shows a list of links to popular search engines, and specific sites can be searched on YouTube, Wikipedia, and IMDB.
The Swift Selection Search is highly customizable
For starters, you can choose all the websites you want the extension to search from, and you can even add new websites to the list. Besides the already existing list, you can also add other search engines, like eBay, Amazon, or iTunes.
The Swift Selection Search extension has a huge list of customizations, which include the size, color, and behavior of the pop-up box itself, as well as the behavior of the search icon.
Swift Selection Search is also highly customizable
You can also edit the hotkeys for the extension. If you select some text and enter a search on Google, the extension will automatically open a pop-up with the selected text. But you can modify this behavior. You can open the search on Google when you start typing, and you can also double-click on a word to open a search window.
Sometimes, not even looking for something specific on Google gives you the expected results, so you find yourself visiting lots of pages before finding what you search for. The Swift Selection Search extension for Firefox gives you the chance to find more information on the text that you selected in just a few clicks.
Swift Selection Search is hugely customizable
First, the extension allows users to choose all their favorite search engines from the already existing list or even to add some new ones. Besides the ones I’ve mentioned above, this add-on also works with Steam, Google Maps, Google Translate, and more. Remember that you can add

Swift Selection Search [Latest] 2022

Fast & easy selection search with only a few clicks!
Download Swift Selection Search
I would not recommend this add-on for advanced users only.

Swift Selection Search

​​​​​​​​​​​​​Swift Selection Search is a Firefox add-on that helps you find the most popular search engines faster when looking for specific information.
Discover usages of this extension:
​​​​​​​​​​​​​How to download and install this extension
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Please note that the extension is not compatible with other browser.
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Swift Selection Search
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Swift Selection Search is a Firefox add-on reviewed by moderator on Aug 30, 2017. The reviewer has a bias. This review is written based on the information available to him about the software at the time of writing.

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What’s New In Swift Selection Search?

Sometimes, not even looking for something specific on Google gives you the expected results, so you find yourself visiting lots of pages before finding what you search for. The Swift Selection Search extension for Firefox gives you the chance to find more information on the text that you selected in just a few clicks.
The app is indeed helpful
This add-on opens a small, rectangular pop-up box anytime you select a word or a phrase on a site. The pop-up contains links, already set for your keyword, to the most popular search engine, and more. You can also search for the specific selection on YouTube, Wikipedia, and even on IMDB.
In addition, you can also search on eBay and Amazon, something quite useful if you read about a product and want to find out its price and see some reviews from buyers.
Swift Selection Search is hugely customizable
​​​​​First, the extension allows users to choose all their favorite search engines from the already existing list or even to add some new ones. Besides the ones I’ve mentioned above, this add-on also works with Steam, Google Maps, Google Translate, and more. Remember that you can add other search engines to the list.
The list of possible customizations in Swift Selection Search continues. You can also choose how the pop-up box and its icons behave ​​​​​​or set your own hotkeys to use the extension.
I found this add-on very useful. It sped up the searching process for particular keywords and phrases when I had to search for something specific from websites. In conclusion, Swift Selection Search deserves its high popularity as a Firefox extension.
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