Enny Arrow Indonesia Pdf 146

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Enny Arrow Indonesia Pdf 146


injured by an arrow fired from the beach by one of the fighters, the main character. Fortunately, Kyle managed to escape from the shooter, since the fiery wounds did not frighten him, and in the dark he easily jumped over him.
Lyon was in captivity, and he had a chance to escape, if not for the presence of an arrow in his body. But despite all the worries, the skirmish associated with this, Kyle was still not going to give up. Captivity was far from the worst way out, and everything would have been much worse if he and Lyon had not come to blows. Now one of the warriors is running from his pursuers and thinking about escaping.
“I can get inside your heads,” Mary appeared unexpectedly and helped him escape and showed him how to do it. She handed him a disguise removal kit, put it on and took it off herself, threw off the mask and remained in the mask.
Kyle accepted it and said, “I did the same thing when we fought in the boat.
Kyle was able to get a good look at her now, especially when she took off her mask. Contrary to expectations, she turned out to be quite a pretty girl, and Kyle thought that he could easily become her neighbor. But Mary just smiled and said, “Thank you.”
After that, she again put on her mask and walked beside him, and he followed her, keeping a few steps away.
They approached the edge of the platform, and there they found the front door.Kyle opened it and then followed Mary into the corridor and found himself in a room that turned out to be an office, judging by the fact that it had computer equipment. Kyle was nowhere to be seen, but the room had a large couch, several cabinets and shelves, a flat-screen TV, and a music system.
Mary took a book from the shelf and was about to offer it to Kyle, but he shook his head and said quietly: – Don’t. She can tell me what I need.
She removed the computer from the shelf and set it on the table, and then said:
“This is a floppy disk with a description of the base, and this is data on the weapons of all its inhabitants,” she said and, turning her back to Kyle, sat down at the computer.
And then all her plans went to pieces. And it wasn’t just that Kyle was smarter than she thought. It just turned out to be very predictable. Mary, of course, hoped for something she never expected, but she never thought that this would happen right now, when on






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