Best Compatibility Dating Sites

Have you ever had sex with more than one person in a single night? If you answered „yes“ to that question, you might be interested to know that this type of behavior can have serious long-term consequences — for the sex, yes, but also for the people who do it. It’s estimated that between 1 in 4, and 1 in 5 American adults (ages 18 to 50), have had sex with someone they weren’t in a relationship with.
“I’ve always believed that having a close group of friends makes dating better, but I had never really considered the possibility that a casual group of friends could turn into a dongleary.”
It’s pretty much the same as doing speed dating, except you never have to actually talk to anyone. Unless you do it with people you know, and you’ve already opened up a bit — i.e., you’ve made small talk — it’s impossible to know if this is someone you want to see again. And maybe seeing someone a second time shouldn’t be casual anyway.
Ignore your gut; is casual sex good or bad for your relationship?
Women love a confident man. Sure, we also love an amazing bedroom, dinner and a third helping of dessert. But the hookup app: One night at most, and even if it ends badly, you can forget the dinner and dessert entirely. Casual sex has become the default behavior for many people, who are perfectly okay with it. They don’t take it very seriously, and they don’t really care if the relationship lasts either.
“It’s tough to look a person in the eye and tell him or her that you can’t stay together, despite the grand feelings you get when you see them.”

But casual sex isn’t about love or commitment — or at least, it shouldn’t be. If you’re trying to move on, the fact that you just hook up might make it more difficult. It also gives your partner a reason to stay angry, which only hurts matters worse. If you really want to keep the relationship going, you’ll need to find a way to love again.
Now, we realize that that’s easier said than done. If you’ve ever been in love and didn’t know what to do next, you know firsthand how tough it is to do it on your own. But if you really want to put casual sex behind you, it’s possible — in fact, it can be easier than you think

Aside from your first time experiencing sex, casual sex is usually pretty good for the body, says Susan Block, PsyD, a clinical psychologist in private practice in New York City who specializes in sex and couples therapy. While casual sex does increase your risk of contracting a STI, „all things in moderation,“ she says. „To me, the way to make [casual sex] work for people’s happiness, fulfillment, and well-being is by having it in a healthy way.“
Ideally, Block says, casual sex should be surrounded by something more than one person, as in a relationship. „Often [casual sex] is being done as a replacement or distraction to an unavailable partner, a pattern that tends to do more harm than good for a long time,“ she says. „So keeping it in the context of healthy, supportive relationships, having sex in that context, is a good idea.“
That being said, if you’re hooking up with someone who’s not involved in a healthy, ongoing relationship, casual sex still isn’t necessarily a bad idea. Rather, it depends on what kinds of results you want from your fling.
To be sure, no single factor is going to define how good or bad a hookup is for you. That said, an article at The Telegraph agrees with previous experts and maintains that there are places and times where casual sex can be bad for your body.
Image Source: PixabayThe online dating app seems like an obvious outlet for hookups, but can it really be used for more than just a quick in-and-out of a sexual session? An article from Lifehacker warns that the free “Who’s Your Daddy?” fun app is not always the end-all to a great night. To suggest some other kind of casual relationships, read on:

What kind of sex is better?
There’s a reason why long-term, long-distance relationships were invented in the first place. Sometimes it’s just easier to avoid certain kinds of „messy“ sex. As GQ writes, sex between consenting adults in a loving partnership — i.e., one in which both partners want it — is much easier to maintain than one between strangers. In a non-pre-planned situation, the intensity of that sex will vary wildly. There’s really no way to control it. In a long-term relationship, there are other tools at your disposal — like high-efficiency birth control — to ensure that

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