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What is the most efficient way of representing a list in venn diagram?

I am trying to compute a list of attribute values for each object in a large array, sorting them by frequency.
import numpy as np
from pyvenn import *

N = 10**5
# limit to reach the target number of objects that overlap
v = limit(venn.VennLimit(10**5), 10000)

# create a list of attribute values
values = range(10)
array = np.array([values, values, values])

# sort attribute values by frequency
index = np.argsort(array)
array[index] = np.sort(array[index], axis=0)

# create a common subset of attribute values for each object
object_ids = v.generate_ids(N, choose=True)
array[object_ids] = array[object_ids]

# display the diagram
output = venn.to_dot(v)
if args.save_path:

The „drawing“ part of this program works perfectly, but I’d like to know which way is the most efficient for saving the list of lists of attribute values for each object.
I am aware of the fact that drawing the diagram from an array is equivalent to drawing it from a text file, and that we can change the parameters of the style to affect the display, but I’d like to know the best way to represent the data.


If you already have your data in the correct form you could try the following as shown.
import numpy as np
from pyvenn import *

# limit to reach the target number of objects that overlap
N = 10**5
# limit to reach the target number of objects that overlap
v = limit(venn.VennLimit(10**5), 10000)

# create a list of attribute values
values = range(10)
array = np.array([values, values, values])

# sort attribute values by frequency

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