Amd Radeon Ramdisk Key


Amd Radeon Ramdisk Key


There are a couple of things here that need to be clarified:
1) You can not directly add a „fake“ RAM partition to a „real“ SSD drive. There is a virtual hard drive designed specifically to emulate the effects of having additional „memory“ which can be installed in a computer with a standard hard drive. For example, this product uses a PM 2000 SSD drive (currently the only SSD that I am aware of that has a PCI-X interface is this one: and can be purchased here:

2) Your PCIe SSD drive supports a 4096 bytes alignment requirement for the speed you are trying to achieve. Look here for more detail:

3) You will need a software emulator of a 4GB hard disk to use RAMDisk. You can either purchase this product here:

or read about it here:

I have used it and it works very well.


How to enforce uniqueness of data using codeigniter

I am using codeigniter. On the registration form I get email id and username from user. And I send that value to the model for insert.
public function register()

$this->db->insert(‚users‘, [
‚email‘ => $this->input->post(‚email‘),
’name‘ => $this->input->post(’name‘)
$email = $this->input->post(‚email‘);
$name = $this->input->post(’name‘);
echo $email;
echo $name;
$data = [‚ID’=>$email

Amd R radeon RamDisk.
Packaging means downloading a tar.gz file and extracting it onto your hard disk, where you run an executable file called ramdisk. The result? Free memory and faster boot..
Tag: Amd R radeon RamDisk Quad of desktops with a Full system on SAN storage,. Challenge to AMDâ„¢s Dataram RAMDisk. Can Smartphones be Dx Ramdisks?.
Source:     Updated: 1.
As a result, I thought that a RAMDisk might be the solution to my slowing down,.

Because AMD Radeon Graphics Cards are full-featured, I have decided to  reload the rules to look at my system history.. 13″ TFT Screen : Samsung SyncMaster 1421HZ, 1.8Ghz Processor : Phenom X4, 2x 2GB Ram.
Sd300w amd radeon ram disk
AMD Radeonâ„¢ RAMDisk 300 Support. By Oleksi Svidchenko I have a P4-M-3D with 1GB ram. Recently I used RamDisk for first time..

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Thanks for the pointer….I will try something else to get things to crash faster as well…I just cannot figure it out, so, thanks for all the help, already

The idea here is to see if the RAMDisk works and was worth pursuing. I am not using it to drive audio as you are doing so have no audio data there. I created it, moved data to it and then shut it down. When I restarted it however, it was still

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