AutoCAD 2017 21.0 Crack [Updated-2022]







AutoCAD Full Product Key

Use AutoCAD

AutoCAD users create 2D and 3D drawings and model drawings. AutoCAD is available for Windows, Mac and Linux operating systems and is used for desktop, mobile, web and cloud based designs.

AutoCAD is the most widely used CAD software in the world. As of 2011, there were over 16 million users of AutoCAD, which are employed by over one million businesses. AutoCAD is the default drafting application for the Autodesk suite of 3D CAD/CAM software products.

Languages AutoCAD is available in English, Dutch, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Polish, Portuguese, Czech, Danish, Norwegian, Swedish, Turkish, Czech, Croatian, Finnish, Hungarian, Russian, Slovakian, Serbian, Slovenian, Ukrainian and Japanese.

Modules Each module in AutoCAD provides a specific function. Most modules are available for drafting and drafting/design.

Drawing tools There are several drawing tools available to the user. The pen tool, the active tool and the select tool are common tools used to create and edit drawings. The Wacom tablet is used for drawing in AutoCAD.

Layout tools The measurement, dimensions, profile, tight line and layout tools are common tools used to create 2D layout drawings.

Import and export The functions in AutoCAD are similar to most other software applications. AutoCAD provides an easy way to import and export data from other applications.

AutoCAD software use


AutoCAD is used to create 2D and 3D drawings. Drawing tools that can be used to create 2D drawings include the pen, stylus, 3D hatch, the 2D wireframe, and the template tool.

Templates are used to create recurring designs. Templates are made from the most common parts of a drawing. A template can be placed at the beginning of a drawing and its options can be used when a new drawing is created. A template can be used to quickly create a new drawing.

Drawings can be created using AutoCAD and saved as a DWG, DWF, or DXF file. These drawings can be opened in another AutoCAD application, exported as a PDF or printed.


AutoCAD is a drawing application, which means it has a specific function to annotate drawings. Annotation in AutoCAD is usually used

AutoCAD Product Key Full Free Download

2D vector-based animation with direct time control.
Digital Camera plugin, allows importing and exporting Camera Raw files
The Digital Prototyping module makes it possible to import and export digital prototypes of structures.
The Mapping module allows printing maps on paper using custom data layers, which can be directly used for digital printing or traditional printing
Block diagram editor is a software, that allows creation of block diagram models.


The AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT viewers are powerful general-purpose 2D and 3D drawing applications that are available for Windows, macOS, iOS, Android and some UNIX-based operating systems. The viewer has native support for the most commonly used file formats, including: AutoCAD DWG, DWF, 3D, VE, VRML, PDF and more. AutoCAD LT Viewer supports AutoCAD LT and the compatible AutoCAD raster and vector formats.

The viewer includes built-in support for online presentations, as well as the ability to create and save your own presentations. The viewer includes a robust scripting environment for data-driven views, and extensive documentation.


AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT includes a 3D workspace, which features the ability to create and view models of 3D objects. The 3D workspace also includes extensive camera, lighting, shading and texturing support.

3D DWG and DWF support is built in, and with VDA, it can export to 3D PDF. 3D DXF is also supported. The workspace also supports a number of 3D model formats including 3D DXF, 3DS, 3DS+, OBJ, STL, RLE, ASE, PLY, MTL and COLLADA.

The 3D viewer uses either OpenGL or Direct3D for the graphics rendering, and supports a number of different rendering techniques:
Deferred shading for lighting and reflections.
Plane-based shadow mapping.
Photorealistic and synthetic environments.
Textured materials with color, diffuse and specular shading.
Procedural materials that change dynamically with the object or its surroundings.
Out-of-core rendering that creates texture atlas for efficiency

If installed, the application also comes with AutoCAD-based application for 3D modeling and drawing, AutoCAD for 3D.

The viewer includes a variety of 3D modeling tools including 2D/3D digitizing, 3D shapes

AutoCAD Incl Product Key

This method uses the keygen file inside the autocad folder.
To use this method you have to be in your autocad installation folder.

First of all open up the command prompt and move into your autocad folder (the \autocad folder of your autocad installation).
Then type the following commands.

%comspec% /c autocad.exe
%comspec% /c autocad.exe

1. In your autocad installation folder.
2. Open the command prompt.
3. type %comspec% /c autocad.exe
4. Press the enter key.
5. type autocad
6. Press the enter key.
7. Open the prompt again and type the same.
8. Press the enter key.
9. Type exit

10. Now you have to edit the keygen file.
First of all open it with a text editor.
If you use notepad, then use the following steps.
Open the notepad application.
Right-click on the notepad application and select properties.
Go to the tab options.
Then select the „Open command window here“ checkbox and press OK.
Now you can use the keygen.
Save the file.
Now you have to close the command prompt.

1. In your autocad installation folder.
2. Go to the command prompt.
3. Type %comspec% /c autocad.exe
4. Press the enter key.
5. type exit.
6. Now you have to edit the keygen file.
In your autocad installation folder.
Right-click on the command prompt and select properties.
Go to the tab options.
Then select the „Open command window here“ checkbox and press OK.
Now you can use the keygen.

What’s New in the?

Share your drawing with colleagues without time-consuming email attachments or using external cloud-based storage services. Select the files you want to share, mark them as shared and insert them into your drawing easily.


Create complex drawings with multi-view. Easily import and combine multi-view images, videos, drawings, diagrams, and other CAD elements from file systems.

Inline, Multi-View Links and Edit Links:

Embed text, drawings, tables, and equations into the design at the moment of creation. Just click once and you have everything you need, right there.

Graphic Features:

Take advantage of an enhanced graphics engine to design, animate, render, print, and publish 3D diagrams. The New Graphic Engine adds a library of design assets, advanced 3D rendering options, and improved publishing options.

Graphical Effects:

Bring your designs to life with a collection of new 2D and 3D graphic effects. Change the appearance of your drawings with gradients, text, text labels, hyperlinks, watermarks, images, and much more.


Build more complex scenes, add overlapping objects, reposition parts and perform more advanced animation. Delve deep into the Drawing Layer or create a Scene to keep track of a larger number of dynamic elements.

Open Standards Support:

Use the most popular CAD, word processing, and drawing programs to create AutoCAD documents. Import and export native AutoCAD documents for your favorite file formats and programs, including Adobe Acrobat, Microsoft Word, and OpenOffice.

Let me remind you that you can download AutoCAD 2019 here and AutoCAD 2018 for free here.


AutoCAD 2023 has been released today! If you want to get a fresh AutoCAD 2023 installation, follow this link or this one. Enjoy AutoCAD 2023.

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About the author: Mark Smith

Mark Smith is a technical editor and writer. As of 2015, he writes about 3D CAD for the publication Cadalyst. He has been an enthusiastic Autodesk user since his introduction to CAD in 1995. He co-authored Cadalyst’s “Autodesk 3D software systems�

System Requirements:

For best results, the game should be played with a high-end PC or with an Intel HD 4000 or better. A moderately-equipped PC can run the game without any difficulties, but there are certain optimization patches that may be required.
For best results, the game should be played with a high-end PC or with an Intel HD 4000 or better. A moderately-equipped PC can run the game without any difficulties, but there are certain optimization patches that may be required. Subscription-Based Models:
The game offers two subscription-based models for sale

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