AutoCAD 20.0 Crack Registration Code (2022) ➡️







AutoCAD Crack+


AutoCAD was the first mainstream CAD program to introduce a graphics user interface, permitting users to view a drawing on the screen and modify it with the mouse. Prior to this point, drafting was performed exclusively at a keyboard, where users had to type in commands and enter parameters. In the 1980s, AutoCAD was also the first widely used CAD software application to integrate a commercial 2D/3D Drafting feature, such that a computer-generated 2D drawing could be converted to 3D, as well as the first to add architectural drawing features.

AutoCAD has been one of the world’s top selling CAD programs since the mid-1990s. By 2012, AutoCAD had been installed on over 40 million computers worldwide, and over 25 million copies of the software had been sold. Its sales decreased by 9% in 2014 due to the introduction of a new rival application by Autodesk, AutoCAD LT, and the rise of mobile and cloud-based apps.


The AutoCAD application includes drafting features, including a two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) drawing engine, as well as features such as a drafting tab, the ability to create and edit block-based, multiblock assemblies, structural detailing and 3D modeling. The drawing engine is also capable of generating images, such as prints, films, plates, and plates-on-film. In addition to viewing drawings, the application can also edit drawings by inserting, deleting and linking blocks, changing coordinates, and moving and resizing objects and groups.

AutoCAD’s key features are its drafting toolset, which allows for the creation and editing of architectural designs. The application can generate architectural blueprints, at a very high quality, using the SLD, a structural-lattice-design (SLD) editor, and a 3D BIM modeler. The application also offers some industry-standard products, such as 3D structural modeling, color drawing, annotating, design review, and many others.

The user interface of AutoCAD is controlled through a point-and-click graphical user interface, rather than through typing commands at the keyboard. The first release of AutoCAD allowed users to create drawings by entering commands on the screen, a technique that was considered foreign at the time. The user interface of AutoCAD was redone in 1983, when the program received its current „look“ and was rewritten

AutoCAD Crack

Collaborative Customization (now called Collaborative Design Automation) : in collaboration with other applications, allows designers to create a single project and share it with others, either at the time of creating the model or later. This allows designers to collaborate with others on a single project, avoiding the often time-consuming task of keeping track of revisions made to the design. A common example of this is in architecture.
Cadence can import DXF files and then use them to create a model that can be used with AutoCAD software.
DXF Direct and DXF Direct Plus offer the ability to import, edit, and export DGN files, so there are fewer hassles involved with creating a new project. Direct also offers support for 2D drawings and can connect to more than 40 different CAD applications (including AutoCAD and other top-tier CAD software) in real time.
DgnWiz is a simple, easy to use software tool that reads DWG files and allows you to modify the metadata and create DXF files from DWG models.
DraftSight is an AutoCAD extension that allows software to communicate directly with AutoCAD. The main program is DraftSight for AutoCAD. There is a version for AutoCAD LT users as well. DraftSight for AutoCAD is available for download for Windows XP and later versions of Windows. The software allows the communication of the points on a line to be tracked.
NetDraft creates a web-based tool to connect AutoCAD to multiple 3D CAD tools.
NetDraft Mobile is a mobile app that allows mobile device users to connect to their NetDraft account through the internet and work on their AutoCAD models in NetDraft.

Systems and tools

AutoCAD includes application programming interfaces (APIs) which allow the user to write software applications. Applications written in these languages can access the AutoCAD API and can therefore read and write data in a file format that is native to AutoCAD. Other software packages support the API, and allow programmers to access the data as needed.

Developer tools include AutoLISP (Language Integrated Scripting Environment), AutoLISP’s successor, Visual LISP, and.NET.

AutoCAD supports programming in Microsoft Visual C++, Python, Java, Delphi, and VBScript.

Microsoft Excel’s Macros in AutoCAD use the AutoLISP API.


AutoCAD Patch With Serial Key

Launch Autocad and click on the arrow-up symbol in the upper right corner of the window, then click on „Scan Key“.
Select „Batchmode“ and click on the „Open“ button.
Close Autocad.
Double-click on the obtained *.exe file.
Select the „Run as Administrator“ in the opened properties window.
Wait a few seconds until the software starts working.


External links

Category:Windows-only softwareQ:

Silverlight – How to implement a menu that includes a sub-menu?

I’m relatively new to Silverlight and I’m trying to implement a menu (in a horizontal scroll view) that includes a sub-menu.
The menu has only 2 states – opened and closed. The sub-menu is opened on hover, and the arrow is also displayed only on hover (ie. the hover area is shown with a border).
When the menu is closed, the sub-menu should also be closed (ie. when the menu is closed, the hover area should go back to its normal state).
The problem is that, when the menu is closed, the hover border does not disappear.
Here is the link to the demo:
The main menu is basically this (the sub-menu has been commented out):

What’s New In?

See much more detail in the AutoCAD 2023 Changelog.

New Utilities:

New command-line utilities:

Axis alignment:

Spherical fit:


New drawing symbols:

New Inline Drawing Edit/Marking symbols:

Fork, Label lines, Checkered lines, Handle, Rectangles, Box, Circle, Square, Triangle:

Label: New symbol, new options, and new use cases. (video: 3:24 min.)

Optionally Draw Arrays:

Border Style: New options for font, width, and color.

Insert title block:

Shape Select:

Edit path:

Toggle path editing:

New symbol: Surface selection:

New symbol: Stamp:

Labeled Object: New symbol.

Arc, Arc/Circle: New symbol and options.

Command: Run-time help for new features:

Command: Set application help:

New drawings symbols:


Rounded Rectangles:



Text symbols:





Dynamic plot:

Polarity symbol:

Dynamic Plot symbols:

New commands:

Graphics Context Manager: New drawing symbols:


Fill Options: New symbol and new options.

New symbol:

New drawing symbols:

Regular polygon:


New symbols:

Tabular data (XML):

Grid layout (XML):

Highlight: New symbol and options.

Check List: New symbol and options.

Note List: New symbol and options.

Line Style (XML): New symbol and options.

Label Style: New symbol and options.

Text Style: New symbol and options.

Text Outline: New symbol and options.

Text Shadow: New symbol and options.

Pie Charts: New symbol and options.

Statistical symbols: New symbol and options.

System Requirements:

· Intel i5, i7 or equivalent processor

· 2 GB RAM (PC) / 1 GB RAM (Mac)
· At least one of the following: OpenGL ES 3.0 or Metal API
· iOS 9.0 or OS X 10.10
· PowerVR
· Bluetooth or wireless controller
· About 1 GB free disk space
Wifi tethering connection
1. Start App Store.
2. On the top left side of the screen, tap on “Settings” and

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