AutoCAD 2023 24.2 Activation Code For Windows







AutoCAD Crack+ [Latest] 2022

AutoCAD is available in different versions (see below). The most current version is AutoCAD LT, while the previous version was AutoCAD LT 2018, which was replaced by AutoCAD LT 2019.

Overview of features

Below is a list of features of AutoCAD:

2D & 3D vector modeling

Includes 2D & 3D drafting tools such as lines, arcs, circles, splines, boxes, and 3D shapes. The 3D drawing tools can either be sketched and modeled from the coordinate system or imported from various file formats such as.obj and.stl. The 3D drawing tools allow the user to create simple 2D shapes like boxes, cylinders, and spheres, as well as 3D models of concrete walls, houses, and trees. If the model is complete, the user can rotate, scale, align, and place the model.


AutoCAD LT 2019, formerly AutoCAD LT 2018, has the ability to annotate drawings in the model by adding words and pictures. Text can be connected to a drawing by dragging a line and point to the text. Text can be placed in any position and in any type of style, allowing the user to create a variety of hand-written, machine-generated, or computer-generated text.


AutoCAD LT 2019 has the ability to draw a freehand path. With path creation, the user draws lines on the screen by dragging the mouse, while the software automatically interpolates the movement and finds the resulting line. The path creation dialog box is displayed when the user starts editing the drawing area.


With the ability to create freeform objects such as polygons, polylines, and splines, the user can quickly create compound shapes or remove a part of the drawing. Polylines and polygons can be connected with multiple points to create surfaces. Splines can be combined to create a smooth surface.

Geometric modeling

Filled solids, fillets, and bevels are applied to the model. Tools such as tracing, sweeping, routing, texturing, and dimensioning are available to create more complex models.


The drawing window is split into three columns. The upper column displays the drawing model, while the middle column is used to display the drawing (e.g., drawings with paths, text, and annotations). The drawing pane can be split into two windows

AutoCAD Crack+

MAC, originally CADMOSAIC (Create and Edit Macros in AutoCAD Full Crack), was one of the first CAD macros and is included with AutoCAD 2016 and newer. In AutoCAD 2017, the ability to make a copy of the macro and edit it for subsequent use was removed. The entire design process is now done in the script itself. In AutoCAD 2017, Macros can be used to modify object properties (as they can in Revit). A Revit user could convert such macros to a RhinoScript macro so that they can be used in Revit. A related product is RoboEdit. In AutoCAD 2016, Macros can also be used to create Plugins as Macro Plugins. Macro Plugins, like macros, can be used in any application that supports plugins. This ability to create plug-ins using AutoCAD macros was removed from the 2010 version of AutoCAD. In AutoCAD 2013 and older versions, macros were incompatible with each other. All macros were sandboxed and were only allowed to write to the.ACD and.INI files and had to be installed separately. As a result, AutoCAD users needed to have two installations, one for each sandbox. In AutoCAD 2010, macros were sandboxed for editing and they were listed in the macro panel.

Related products

AutoCAD has always been a 32-bit program. Originally released in 1985, AutoCAD sold with the operating system. AutoCAD first used a Motorola 68000 CPU and then later moved to a 486SX. It was until release AutoCAD 2009 that AutoCAD used the x86 processor and Windows for Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows 7 for operating system. In 2008, to be in line with other Windows operating systems and to make AutoCAD easier to learn, Autodesk released the Windows-based AutoCAD LT (long-time) for Linux and Mac OS X platforms. AutoCAD LT is a subset of the full AutoCAD program. In June 2011, Autodesk announced that it would release a 64-bit version of AutoCAD in 2012, which was available in AutoCAD 2012 and AutoCAD 2013.

For the modelling software of architectural design, AutoCAD Software has a series of products including AutoCAD Architecture, AutoCAD Electrical, AutoCAD Civil 3D, AutoCAD Mechanical, and so on. In late 2004,


Step 2: Set up the „System Environment“

1. Press the key combination Shift+F1 to open the Menu.

2. Open the Configuration Editor.

3. In the first column, click and drag the column heading to the right.

4. In the second column, click and drag the heading to the right.

5. Click on the red button in the toolbar.

6. In the menu that appears, click on „Windows System Environment“.

7. Click on the button in the toolbar and drag to the left to make a window.

8. Click and drag the word „Environment“ in the bottom left to move the window to the upper left of the window.


What’s New in the AutoCAD?

Import a BMP, JPEG, or PNG image. Include images from paper or PDF documents you’ve already emailed, or scan a new one into your working drawings. (video: 6:13 min.)

Edit, highlight, and drag annotation regions directly on imported images to perform free-form edits. (video: 6:13 min.)

Add or import AutoLISP annotation styles.

Analyze your drawing history and import old revisions for easy access to feedback and revision history.

Add comments to drawings that show people the information you want them to read. Easily add notes on parts of your drawings, then send them to your boss, client, or teammate for review. (video: 1:17 min.)

Design and export color-managed PDFs. Generate color-managed PDFs that you can easily open in Acrobat Reader and use as standards-based print references for physical materials and printing. (video: 3:16 min.)

Choose from several free symbol types, including stencil, texture, and others.

Create custom symbol tools for easy command creation. Easily create new custom tools, and export them for reuse.

New library folders and other improved organizational features.

Skeleton Shape Edits and support for IDO:

Draw complex shapes using skeleton editing. Similar to AutoCAD’s Schematic Editing feature, the new skeleton editing helps you manipulate and arrange non-displayed shapes. (video: 2:37 min.)

Save custom 2D views as VBA macros for reuse.

Manage your groupings and viewports from one screen.

Add, remove, and edit text views.

Edit style, symbol, and data properties of shapes and dimensions.

Raster and Vector:

Access vector data from remote cloud services and import them directly into your drawings. Create and easily update embedded raster layers and embed PDF files into your drawings. (video: 4:47 min.)

Paste objects from other applications directly into your drawings. If you import a CAD or PDF file, you can paste CAD objects into the drawing and modify their data properties automatically. (video: 3:14 min.)

Paste a linked drawing into the same drawing.

User Interface:

Analyze and create a layered navigation bar on your desktop.


System Requirements For AutoCAD:

OS: Windows 7 (SP1) 64-bit or later
CPU: Dual-core 2.8 GHz or faster
Hard Disk: 20 GB
Video Card: NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GTX/ATI Radeon HD 5850 or higher
DirectX: Version 9.0
Network: Broadband Internet connection (cable, DSL, etc.)
Sound: DirectX 9.0 compatible sound card with a minimum of 2.0
Additional Notes: 8 GB free hard disk space (

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