Tragt In Die Welt Nun Ein Licht Noten Pdf WORK Download 👍

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Tragt In Die Welt Nun Ein Licht Noten Pdf Download

Tragt in die Welt nun ein Licht PdfQ:

Weird NSDate problem

The date I receive from the server is 2/15/07 5:07:11 PM.
when I try to do this code it gets a wrong result.
NSDateFormatter *formatter = [[[NSDateFormatter alloc] init] autorelease];

[formatter setDateFormat:@“M/d/yyyy h:mm:ss a“];

NSDate *date = [formatter dateFromString:[[post paramForKey:@“created“] description]];

NSDateComponents *components = [[[NSCalendar currentCalendar] components:NSDayCalendarUnit|NSMonthCalendarUnit|NSYearCalendarUnit fromDate:date];

NSLog(@“%@“,[formatter stringFromDate:date]);
NSLog(@“%i“,[components day]);

It returns this result
2007-02-15 5:07:11 +0000

It should return the correct value of month of february is one.


I think your „created“ parameter is a time, and you’re displaying it as a date. It looks like it’s 2/15/07 5:07:11 PM in UTC, which is interpreted as Monday, February 15, 2007 5:07:11 PM in the Gregorian calendar. Convert it to GMT and it will display the same date, in the format that you asked for.

We were not expecting that! I do know one thing – I think that every public figure who’s had a sex scandal, none of them had a baby at that age (or at least none that wasn’t a pro-choice Catholic). So, really, it was the ideal time to be pregnant. Hooray! I’m not all that bothered about the rest, but I was truly rooting for her – she is a very sweet and pleasant person and has been very open about what she’s been going through. And she’s being a mama! I hope that she is good at it!

Well, I guess it’s the kind of scandal that might affect her career, as people might now be more hesitant to vote for her, as a single mom would be hard on her image in the public’s eye. Even

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