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Bartender Cocktail Edition 2. 8.0 Crack. bartenders free · Allorigine Della Pretesa Cristiana Giussani Pdf Download · TruNest 2016 . of the statute as to the issue of restitution. We review questions of
constitutional interpretation de novo. (People v. Alvarez (2002) 27 Cal.4th 1161, 1164-1166.)
In examining the financial documents presented to the superior court, it is
clear that the court was within its authority to use the items of personal property involved
in the offenses as an appropriate method of estimating the amount of lost income to
calculate the amount of restitution owed. As for the $19,000 withdrawal from the
Hudson account, this is not a case where the victim sustained a loss which is so great as
to be practically impossible to compute. The record shows that when defendant took out
funds in the amount of $19,000, he asked Patricia for her permission to do so and that
Patricia acquiesced. Despite this, it is clear from her testimony that she did not
instruct, authorize, or provide any of the supporting documentation to defendant, nor did
he acquire any of the legal rights to these funds. The court’s restitution order may not be
reduced. (People v. Thierry (1971) 19 Cal.App.3d 707, 713.)
It also appears that the court found defendant’s current income was
consistent with earning at least a $19,000 per year, and therefore, there was a good
reason to assume that he would have earned that amount of money over the period
referenced in the order. As we understand it, the court was ordering that defendant pay
restitution in the amount of that which he would have been expected to earn.

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