AutoCAD 23.1 Free Download ☠







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The official website for AutoCAD, which also provides step-by-step instructions for using the software, is General information about AutoCAD can be found at

What is AutoCAD?

AutoCAD is a digital drafting application that allows you to design and create complex architectural, engineering, and mechanical engineering drawings. AutoCAD is a cross-platform solution and is available for the following platforms:


Windows, Mac

Mac OS X




AutoCAD runs on any of the above platforms, but the editing controls are slightly different on each platform. To change the settings for a program, open Control Panel and click Start > All Programs > Autodesk > AutoCAD.

This has become an annual feature and is usually centered on a given theme. For example, the 2017 theme was „From The Ground Up,“ a celebration of AutoCAD’s 25th anniversary.

AutoCAD is a software-only product. Unlike other CAD software that includes related engineering tools, AutoCAD does not have any 3D-rendering capabilities.

How do I use AutoCAD?

As with most CAD programs, the program is initiated by opening the application. When AutoCAD is initially launched, the window appears similar to the following image:

The menu bar is located on the top left corner of the main window. To display a menu, right-click on the desired menu option.

Once in the application, the user can create new drawings (called a drawing) or edit an existing drawing (called a drawing, or in a drawing space). The work space is divided into two halves (called the front and the back). The drawing window appears in the front half of the work space. To get to the back half of the work space, click the View toolbar button.

Once the drawing is created, the user can activate most of the toolbars in the drawing window. A toolbar appears on the right side of the window and contains controls that help in using the drawing tools.

The easiest way to customize your drawing is to add a new tool to the toolbar by right-clicking the desired button. To customize the work space, use the View toolbar button. You can zoom

AutoCAD For PC

Web CADDIE (CADDIE stands for CADDy Managed Interactive Enterprise) is a web service and platform developed by Autodesk and made available free of charge to customers and partners of Autodesk products. It allows developers, system integrators and others to create and publish custom application add-ons in a way that can be integrated into Autodesk products. Web CADDIE includes an integrated Eclipse application development framework with a JavaScript application builder, an XML-RPC API, a drag and drop WYSIWYG editor, and an API-based language used for programming Web CADDIE add-ons. Web CADDIE also supports the ability to automatically create and configure plug-ins. The Web CADDIE platform is made available for use by qualified parties under a license agreement which gives the developer or other user the rights to a subset of the Autodesk Development Tools.

Cracked AutoCAD With Keygen LT is a free version of AutoCAD. Unlike AutoCAD LT, the functionality of the 2010 and older editions of AutoCAD are available in the free version.

Graphical User Interface (GUI)

AutoCAD’s Graphical User Interface (GUI) displays documents as two-dimensional drawings, layered 3D drawings, 2D plans, and 3D models that can be viewed and manipulated. AutoCAD provides two types of modeling windows. The 2D modeling window is the modeling view in which the user designates geometry and text. The 3D modeling window is the 3D modeling view in which the user manipulates the model in three dimensions. 2D and 3D drawings are displayed on screen in the drawing area of the workspace window. There are three types of windows:

General – displays the drawing window, plot window, and drawing history
Drawing – displays the drawing area for 2D and 3D drawings, spline curves, and regions
Plot – displays the plot window for 2D drawings
Modeling – displays the modeling window for 2D and 3D drawings
Window tabs – displays the title bar and toolbar in each window

Saving, importing and exporting
AutoCAD supports saving and loading of documents in a number of formats and save types. When a document is saved, it is saved as a text file in the Document file format (.dwg) and can be opened in AutoCAD. The user can also save a drawing as a 3D model (.cad) file. If there are no active windows in the

AutoCAD Crack +

Add the file keygen.rar to the autocad\source folder.

Start Autocad.

Click the „Get Licenses“ button.

Click on „Autodesk Authorized Training Material.“

Click the „Get License“ button on the bottom right corner.

Confirm the license number.

Click on „OK“ to get your keygen.

Go back to the license page and click on „Use.“

Click on „View Licenses.“

You should see your keygen.

Close the program.

Go to the folder „AppData\Local\Temp\keygen“ and click „YES“ to delete the keygen.

How to use the full version
Go to the folder you downloaded the software from
Open the exe file that starts autocad.
Run the software and have fun.

What is your problem?
It does not start?
If you are having a lot of problems with it, please write down in the comments the file you opened (installer, keygen, autocad.exe, autocad.ini) and what the problem is.


External links
Autocad Thread on

Category:Autodesk software
Category:Computer-aided design softwareQ:

Async Return in Functions

I am looking for a more efficient way to do the following using JS Promise() or async/await.

I have a function that requires an async call to a different server.
When it is successful, I need to return a value back to the function.

Below is an example of what I am trying to accomplish.
async test(someParam) {
await someServerCall();
return {
„result“: „Success“

test(someParam) {
return this.test(someParam);

Obviously, what I have above is not possible with just promise() or async/await.
My question is – how would this be done with either of these solutions?


You can just return a promise from your test function and then just pass that returned promise into your test:
test(someParam) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {

What’s New in the AutoCAD?

CAD Data Management:

Add, manage, and view information about your files, layers, drawing sets, and drawings, while working on AutoCAD. (video: 1:48 min.)

Find Any Object:

Extend AutoCAD’s Find tool functionality to more types of objects. (video: 2:04 min.)

The Polyline Fillet tool:

Numerous improvements make the Polyline Fillet tool even faster, more precise, and more accurate, especially for tricky fillet arcs. (video: 1:57 min.)

Extend the Clipping Mask Rulers:

Increase the precision of the rulers in most drawing views to 0.0001 inches, allowing you to easily create custom template parts. (video: 1:32 min.)

Creation of AutoCAD 2D Layouts:

Create AutoCAD layouts that are more versatile and fluid than in previous releases. Easily modify any element of a layout without having to redefine the layout. (video: 3:40 min.)

Extend the Clip Tool:

Use a collection of custom, tracked tools to solve engineering, manufacturing, and construction problems with relative ease. (video: 2:18 min.)

Batch processing:

Take time-consuming tasks and speed them up with improved set of options, more powerful tools, and more intuitive design flow. (video: 2:06 min.)

Cloud-based Share:

Have more options for how you work. Easily sync and backup all your drawings to the cloud, and collaborate on projects with more people at once. (video: 2:07 min.)

Third-party Extensions and Plug-ins:

Improve performance and add functionality to other software, such as Visio, using third-party plug-ins.

AutoCAD Sketch:

Create, edit, and annotate 2D drawings, and export to and import from PDF, BMP, and GIF. (video: 1:35 min.)

Compatibility with AutoCAD 2021


Release Date (Build)

Upgrade Cost

AutoCAD 2016

Aug. 12, 2016 (1883)


AutoCAD 2017

Apr. 14, 2017 (2022)



System Requirements:

OS: Windows 10 (64-bit)
CPU: Intel Core 2 Quad Q9550 @ 3.00GHz
DirectX: Version 9.0c
Network: Broadband Internet connection
Controller: DualShock 3 or GamePad
Sound Card: High-end sound card compatible with Windows 7.
Software: Game files required for installation
Recommended System:

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