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You’ve probably heard of the new rule that casual sex is now considered the socially acceptable, responsible, and even default way to form relationships. Casual dating has its unique appeal; everyone knows that sex is, like, the ultimate expression of love. But casual sex also requires a stark understanding of the potential consequences, which is not something that you can expect to come naturally. There are a lot of good reasons to wait until you’re ready to enter into a committed long-term relationship, not the least of which is emotional maturity and developing one’s own emotional skills.
A lot of people have the perception that casual sex somehow lessens sexual tension and creates a more relaxed and secure environment for relationships. The problem here is that casual sex is not always good for our relationships, be they sexual or not. Sex can have a powerful pull on our emotions. As much as we might like to believe otherwise, sex doesn’t cause addiction, but when you add the lack of intentionality into the equation, it becomes much more difficult to protect yourself. „It’s easy to think that casual sex will reduce the intensity of the encounter, but this is not always the case. If anything, casual sex can cause added anxiety — can casual sex become too casual? ‚Now I’m just being used,‘ you may think. Perhaps we should have more rules,“ says Jennifer Doyle, a psychotherapist based in New York City.
Here are a few of the potential pitfalls of casual sex:
Potential problems:
– Forced: Sex when you don’t actually want it and don’t want to
– Concurrent: Having sex with someone new while having sex with
someone else
– Ambiguous: Having sex with someone you don’t know well
– Complicated: Having sex with someone you care about, have

You’re in a fight. A very important fight that could change the future course of your life, all because someone tagged your name in a photo with their ex-girlfriend. You had no idea she was still talking to him (your ex-fiancée in this case), and it seems highly unlikely that this was part of a elaborate revenge scheme to ruin your reputation, but it happened all the same.
As you stare down that dumbfounded response: „I don’t understand this,“ I know you’ve probably asked yourself the same thing thousands of times. What started as an innocent social encounter with the wrong person quickly developed into a challenge between two of the biggest human ego structures on the planet. You’re
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The casual-sex movement of recent years has ushered in a barrage of new questions about sex. But one of the biggest questions remains: Is casual sex good for you? Well, good or bad, casual sex has been around for thousands of years — it’s actually a relatively new social trend, created only a few decades ago, and a new way of relating to sex. So as long as you learn about sex and take precautions as much as possible, you can be just fine.
You’ve got options, and they may be very different depending on how you define „casual.“ Do you think of casual sex as more intimate relationships with no commitment? To avoid pregnancy? With love? Or do you think of casual sex as never having sex at all? You may need to decide if, as Adrienne La France suggested on Bustle, „some types of sexual interaction and sex are more wholesome than others.“ There are a lot of expectations for yourself, and a casual lifestyle can help keep all of those expectations in check.
How do people approach casual sex differently?
Sex columnist Dan Savage argues that the casual-sex world can be a „regrettably idealistic“ one, but he also argues that it’s better to indulge than to say „no“ to sex.
„So that means that a lot of people who are avoiding sex are not avoiding sex because they’re scared that it’s going to hurt,“ Savage said. „They’re avoiding sex because they’re trying to avoid hurt feelings, or because they’re trying to avoid rejection, or because they think that they’re not good enough.“
You don’t have to like casual sex, but you do have to have some understanding of what you’re getting into. New York Times journalist Hannah Brown writes about how „the pressure to categorize sex as casual and commitment-free — or meaningful and worthy of love — can push people away from a truly intimate connection with each other.” She suggests that casual sex makes people „think of [sex] as something that’s all about you and no one else.“
Looking forward, casual sex means more than making a choice — it means pushing boundaries and breaking rules. But it also means a lighter load on the emotional side of the bed. It’s also, as Liz Plank observed in the Atlantic, less exciting than feeling like you’re risking, or at least aware of, consequences. It’s taking a big leap in one small moment — so big that your life will be changed in one, unexpected way


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