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Battle of Gods will finally make its appearance in the world of online games!Aflatoxin production by Aspergillus niger in reconstituted infant formula.
Reconstituted infant formula was made from powder made from cow’s milk or soy protein, and was inoculated with five strains of Aspergillus niger (1-5, 1-2-3-9 and 11) and two strains of A. flavus (1-1 and 1-2). Aflatoxin production was measured by determining the amount of aflatoxin extracted from the inoculated formulas by immunoaffinity chromatography (IAC) and confirmed by high pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC). The inoculation of formulas with A. niger strain 1-5 (NRRL 25566) and A. flavus strain 1-1 in both a cow’s milk and soy protein powder and with all A

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We have generated transgenic mice with a KGF cDNA overexpressed in corneal epithelial cells. These mice have higher levels of KGF in the cornea and develop hyperplasia of the corneal epithelium at 2-3 weeks of age, with a concurrent epidermal neovascularization. Hair follicle neogenesis was also induced in transgenic mice by electron microscopy of the human keratocyte cell line 10H. Overexpression of KGF in the cornea leads to epithelial hyperplasia. The transcription factor, AP-1, is involved in the control of the expression of KGF, keratinocyte growth factor-2, and their receptors and in epidermal differentiation. The formation of transgenic mice overexpressing KGF may provide a simple model system for the study of corneal and epidermal differentiation, repair and neovascularization.Q:

Why is Sunspot SOLR enabling package.json scripts even if the package.json does not have an „enable“ key?

In the documentation for Sunspot I came across the following example:


It seems that the script node is parsed despite the fact that the package.json does not have an „enable“ key. To illustrate this, I used the following simple package.json file:
„name“: „foo“,
„version“: „0.0.1“,
„dependencies“: {
„solr“: „0.6.2“,
„solr-web“: „1.3.0“
„devDependencies“: {
„express“: „*“


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