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Monday, June 22, 2011

Book Review – Twitter for Non-Techies

Twitter is a simple website. It’s a web-based micro-blogging service that allows you to send and receive short messages, called tweets, via text. Twitter made its debut in April 2006, but it wasn’t until three years later, in June 2009, that the service started to pick up steam. Twitter’s continued popularity is a testament to its simplicity.

The reason for its increasing success is that Twitter is able to offer something few other services can. Many other services (including Facebook) have similar functionality, but Twitter’s service is free and its users have no need for the site to make any money.

For a user who has no need for the socializing or messaging aspects of a service like Twitter, all they really want is a place to store their short text messages. This makes the service attractive to tech-savvy users.

If you are a Twitter user, you know how often a user has to change their profile name. For some, this is a feature. For others, it’s a nuisance. Either way, changing your name is a simple matter in Twitter.

„Change my username,“ a user can click on their account and then scroll down to profile names. Each profile name you click on appears in a separate box. Click „Change“ in the top right corner and the user’s profile name will appear in their saved name box. Click it again to change the username.

There is no way to change your name if you aren’t logged in to Twitter. You must be logged in to change your profile name.{% extends „base.html“ %}
{% load i18n %}

{% block title %}{% trans „Logout“ %}{% endblock %}

{% block content %}

{% trans „Login“ %}
{% trans „Log out“ %}

{% endblock %}

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At least, that’s what so many marketers believe. Perhaps it’s hard to find a definitive source of information on this topic, but the frequency with which we’re told that is the case is truly ridiculous.

Maybe the fact that information is scarce is intentional — the marketer’s version of killing a fly with a bazooka. Obviously, the information is there, and it’s nowhere near scarce. As a marketer, I’m sure you can’t help but recall where you’ve seen the information more than once.

The point of this article isn’t to decide whether there’s such a thing as too much data. I suppose that’s a discussion for the philosophers, but I’m much more concerned with the mindset.

A mindset that bestows power, attention, and importance upon data.

So often, marketers are consumed by this notion of what data should do for them. Perhaps you’ve talked to the marketers at the top of your organization, and they’re obsessed with analyzing the relationship between x and y.

If you had a choice between spending $50,000 a month to purchase and analyze data that says you should spend $50,000 a month to purchase and analyze data that says you should spend $50,000 a month to purchase and analyze data that says you should spend $50,000 a month to purchase and analyze data that says you should spend $50,000 a month to purchase and analyze data that says you should spend $50,000 a month to purchase and analyze data that says you should spend $50,000 a month to purchase and analyze data that says you should spend $50,000 a month to purchase and analyze data that says you should spend $50,000 a month to purchase and analyze data that says you should spend $50,000 a month to purchase and analyze data that says you should spend $50,000 a month to purchase and analyze data that says you should spend $50,000 a month to purchase and analyze data that says you should spend $50,000 a month to purchase and analyze data that says you should spend $50,000 a month to purchase and analyze data that says you should spend $50,000 a month to purchase and analyze data

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