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Ask HN: Is there a way to promote my web app without paying for advertising? – raheemm
Hi. My friend has just coded a new web app that is really great. She is looking for a way to promote her web app as there are like a million free web apps that you can find via search. I have no idea how many advertising dollars startups spend each year.I don't think advertising will help her since the content is good and search results will be a mess as well.I'm really hoping that there is a better way to get the word out. I created a Facebook page for her web app. I thought maybe sending out a free press release to tech blogs would help. Any other ideas or places she can put her press release?Thanks!
Perhaps start a blog about it and write in-depth tutorials. People will find
you when they search for your niche. A short tutorial could be your actual
app, or you could make some sense of creating a tutorial. Free websites like
Medium or Leeflaunch allow you to make a free tutorial but you can also make
paid tutorials.

If you have any experience making a blog then it’s very easy to write about
how you make your app. You could write a „how to“ guide in your blog posts.
You could feature your app in one or more posts.

Are you talking about a e-commerce based website? If so you could look into
Amazon Web Services.

I appreciate the suggestion. I do have experience building a blog but it’s
been a while and I don’t know what I’d be writing about. I’m thinking of
writing a series on monetizing a website vs marketing a website. I will
definitely ask her about Amazon S

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. Kecuriganya dengan ia, mengagumkan dan sampai kemudian mungkin sudah sampai di media sosial.. kutipan :hihi. B. In a way that is recognised by the law diklaim bakal ndak ada hak untuk diklaim belum ada hak cukup.
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